Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – Information Technologies Institute
The team
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – Information Technologies Institute
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – Information Technologies Institute
The Information Technologies Institute (ITI), former Informatics and Telematics Institute, was established in 1998 in Thessaloniki, as a non-profit research organization, under the auspices of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT), of the Greek Ministry of Development. Since its creation, ITI has always been heavily involved in the transfer and dissemination of high-quality research knowledge and advanced solution development trends and leading-edge technologies, by taking into consideration the needs of industry and society.
Following its strategic research directions, and according to the experience of its members, ITI has developed spheres of excellence and critical mass in research and technology in several strategically important fields in the following areas: a) Image and signal processing, computer vision, b) Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, c) Human Computer Interaction, d) Virtual and Augmented Reality.
Since its establishment, ITI has participated in more than 155 research projects funded by the European Commission (IST FP5-FP6-FP7), and more than 160 projects funded by the Greek National Research Programmes as well as by offering services and Consulting Subcontracts with the Private Sector (Industry). In the last 8 years, the publication record of ITI includes 220 scientific publications in international journals, 577 publications in conferences and 84 books and book chapters. These works have been cited in more than 3000 times.
The Visual Analytics, Virtual Reality and Augmented reality Lab of ITI has been very active during the last ten years in the field of games, adaptive interfaces, VR&AR, and user modelling, being involved in several R&D projects as technical leader and/or as coordinator.
CERTH/ITI is the leader of WP2-CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD Platform Enhancement. The goal of all tasks that CERTH participates is to ensure user-centric adaptation by the overall CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD platform. In addition to this, CERTH will be responsible for applying gamification techniques on the envisaged platform for incentivize its use by elderly people.