The University of Hull is a major university based in Hull in the north of the UK. It provides a cutting-edge educational experience for over 18,000 students a year. The academic portfolio contains 50 disciplines across the arts and humanities, business, education, health, the sciences and the social sciences. The University is an independent corporation, whose legal status derives from a Royal Charter originally granted in 1954. Its objects, powers and framework of governance are set out in the Charter and its supporting Statutes which are approved by the Privy Council. It has a turn-over of about £200 million per year.
The School of Engineering scores highly in Research Assessment Exercises (RAE). The last RAE (2008) found that 95% of the research outputs of the School were rated as internationally excellent or internationally recognised. Staff within the School participate in a wide range of EU funded projects through FP7 and the COST office.
The Department of Psychological Health and Wellbeing is part of the Faculty of Health and Social Care. The Department works closely with local health care providers to deliver innovative programmes of study that enhance the knowledge and skills of health care workers, improving the care experienced by patients and clients. We also collaborate with our NHS partners to support our research activities. The Department of Psychological Health and Wellbeing actively integrates research into practice and strives to widen participation. We aim to adopt a positive, community-based approach to health and wellbeing that is critical and challenges traditional, medically modelled understandings of human distress.
The University of Hull will play the role of clinical academic expert, will lead the Pilot Operation (WP5) and will run a pilot in the UK.